Monday, May 11, 2009

my heart is a little weary... I'm a little tired of pushing when it hurts. Wanting to pull away, but I will push anyways. I feel like those are the biggest lessons I have learned this year. Love hard. Push hard. Love when it isn't fair, and when it hurts the most. Push for the potential you see in those around you. Learning to see people not for who they are now, but who they are capable of being...calling them to something greater; something outside of themselves.
these women have changed me. They have brought out the worst and the best... right now it just hurts a little more than usual. But, Love always protects. Always hopes. Always perseveres.

Friday, May 1, 2009

my lovely wildflower, Sonushka.

I have so much homework I should be doing, but instead all I want to do is sit here on this couch, and watch Sonia try on outfits for her trip to Germany. Sun leaking through the window on her sandy blond hair and olive skin, brown sandals and that green vest she always likes to wear. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as alive as this woman; it makes me smile just thinking about how much more vibrant and colorful my life has become with her in it.

Anxious heart, excited for what is to come as well as just trying to take it all in. Take a deep breath, mind racing. I’m ready to move on with life, but how bittersweet it will truly be. I’m ready to throw my textbook out the window and just live. Breathe. Trying to juggle so many things, it seems unnatural. Only by the grace of God have I survived with my head above the water. Does life ever slow down? I wonder…

For now I will continue to watch beautiful Sonia, and pray that time stands still.