So here I am, updating my blog. I find it funny that I actually have to choose to not do what I had planned in order to blog these days. (hehe)
My heart is overwhelmed right now... but not in a bad way. I am learning to love deeply, and it isn't as easy as it seems sometimes. What would happen if we just took the time to listen to the people who annoy us the most? That when we see them, our pride builds up, but we accuse them of being the boastful ones. In part, this might be true. But my question to you would be,...
"What is going on in the heavenlies, while you're busy being 'right'?"
This question was proposed in a session on spiritual warfare I was listening to, and it made me cringe. Conviction, anyone?
This weekend I had the opportunity to make amends. It was amazing. When we see potential in the very people who maybe are the most unlikely to receive encouragement from anyone else, it opens doors for us to speak into their lives. Things that we see, good and bad. Thank you, Jesus. You are the perfect example. Help me to continue to see potential in all of those that I encounter. You LOVE them.
speaking of those you care for...

Sometimes I cannot fathom how you can grow to love someone so much after only knowing them for 3 months. A risk, no telling where our lives after this year will take us... but these women above are changing me.
I spent so much time and energy trying to be something that I wasn't. It feels so good to be loved and enjoyed for who I am becoming.
Turning the page, the Lord is blessing me immensely right now. I prayed for a laptop, and I am now getting one. I'm sure Bethany will be happy that I won't be borrowing her laptop anymore... which is what I am using right now to type this blog. :-)
All in all, life is beautiful.
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