Time is flying by so fast! Still trying to figure out where the month of January went....hm.

Well, currently my ears are ringing a little. Charlie & Ellie decided to have a screaming contest this morning. Ouch! Watching them interact is always entertaining though. One minute I am sipping a cup of coffee...watching the rain outside, with some Pandora radio playing in the background. Close my eyes and soak it in. And within a minute's time, it is interrupted by two babies running around the house, laughing and squealing as loud as possible. Irritating? Frustrating? Not at all, actually. Moments like these make me so thankful that I have such a wonderful job, regardless of how crazy it can be at times. :-)
Sounds kind of contradictory, huh? Maybe so... but for me, life needs a little chaos. Without it, I'm afraid I wouldn't appreciate moments like these quite as much. Currently learning how to grab a hold of life, and enjoy it fully... even in the most simple of circumstances.
Well, that's about all I have time for today. Until next time, Ciao!