Well, it has been entirely too long since I have written a blog. So, what's new? Let me see…
I graduated from my internship at Teen Mania, it is pretty surreal how fast it came and went. Now I'm in my second year here and I am leading and discipling ten wonderful young ladies. Natalie, Charlie, Iliana, Shanese, Teresa, Leah, Natali, Ashley, Christie, and Nikki.
My new roommates: oh man, I am so thankful for them!I couldn't have asked for a better group of fellow Core Advisors... Sonia is from Poland. Krystal is from Canada. And Bethany is from Cali. After a long day with all of the demands it may entail, they are my breath of fresh air.
I am currently attending Tyler Junior College (TJC) as well as doing a program called "Intensive Communications Training" (ICT) which focuses on pubic speaking, counseling, & writing. I just got a job at my home church here in Texas as the curriculum manager for Sunday school. I also teach a class for the 1 & 2 yr olds, which is so precious. The ones who can talk refer to me as Miss Hannah. Or teacher. (hehe)
Life is pretty hectic right now. I'm either meeting with my girls, in class, or I've got my nose in a book. I'm pretty confident that by the end of the year I will be an expert at time management. ;-)
So yah, that's my update. I am loving life here in Texas… and in the midst of my new chaos, it is beauty.