oh man, it has been so long since I've written on here. So hmm... what is new?
Well, I have about 4 1/2 weeks left until I head back to California for Autie & Tim's wedding. (ahhh!) Then I'll fly back to Texas with the fam, and I'll graduate from my internship. *woo hoo!*
Soon I will have different roommates, and I will be in charge of 13 girls of my own. Our name will be Steadfast. Instead of going to Core every week, I will be teaching it. I feel like I still have so much to learn before I lead these girls... it is a little nerve-racking.
Campus is a little hectic, with missionaries coming and going on their trips. I'm pretty positive that this entire week I'll be working overtime for registration.
I'm still trying to figure everything out for my classes with TJC, as well as how I'm going to survive next year financially. haha. oh boy.
On a deeper level, the Lord is showing me so much. healings. signs. wonders. visions & dreams. He wants to take us so much further than just knowing the Bible stories and the intellectual truths. I'm so hungry, and He is satisfying.
Well, that's a brief update.